Core Values
i. Consumer focus: The Council is dedicated to the promotion of the protection of the rights and interest of the consumers of regulated communications goods and services to the highest level of efficiency and effectiveness
ii. Responsiveness: the Council will strive to meet the diverse needs of our many internal and external stakeholders with the highest level of commitment.
iii. Mutual respect and unity of purpose: Mutual respect and unity of purpose among the Councillors, management, employees and the general public shall be cherished at all times
iv. Professionalism: in performing its functions, the Council will always act in the best interests of the consumers it represents through innovative solutions with high standards of excellence.
v. Innovation: In addressing the needs and expectations of its stakeholders, the Council shall apply innovation to simplify complex challenges and situations
vi.Transparency: The Council conducts its activities with transparency and tries to be accountable and open in all its business practices.